What to look for when using a process serving company
When comparing pricing for eviction notices and eviction services it’s important to check if the company your choosing is 1st and for-most licensed to serve notices. This may become a problem when the Court might possibly throw your case out as the Original Notice was not properly served or does not contain language required by the court. APS has been licensed by the Private Investigators Licensing Board since 2007. Pricing Pricing is another way to comparison shop. APS offers more of a Ala Cart view of pricing. Other company’s might charge a flat fee that includes the eviction and Notice for $300 and up. The problem with that scenario is, after the notice is served the Tenant might consider leaving or surrendering the premises or even pay the rent and the actual filing of the eviction is never required unbeknownst to you who just just paid over $300 for a single notice. Ease of Getting Started When using APS you simply add the notice into your shopping cart $45.00 for most of the Las Vegas area and complete the easy to use form that gathers the required information for the notice. After the expiration of the notice you can then choose to move forward with the Summary Eviction Process. click here to learn more about the Eviction Process. Keeping Up